Kittens by Ellusionist (blue)


Scenario 1. You’re on your way to a gig and you’ve forgotten your deck. Maybe your dog ate it?

What do you do?

Answer. You stop off at your Grandma’s house and grab an old deck from the drawer. At least, that’s your story. 

Madison Kittens are a marked, GAFFED-deck in ultimate stealth mode.

Ever had a spectator ask “Are those just regular cards? Or are they special?” … Yeah us too.

With the Kittens deck you’ll never be asked that again. Completely unassuming in design, but devastating in function. Even if you told them the truth they wouldn’t believe you.

– Normal deck of 52 cards for regular magic effects. 

– Angle Z Gimmick 

– Duplicate card… you know why. 

– Monte Gimmick 

– Fully. Freaking. Marked.

Availability: 4 in stock SKU: 10797 Category: